Goodbye Korea Series: Busan English Library

I don't know why it's taken me 10 months to post these pictures, but at least I'm posting them. Towards the end of my time in Korea, I have to admit that I was frustrated. Homesickness really got to me and I had to work with a really inconsiderate person. Due to this, I left Korea happily. Now, ten months out, I really miss it, especially the library. Sometimes, we get so caught up in how we're feeling at the moment.  Working at the library was really one of the best jobs I've ever had and I truly miss every single person there.

For my goodbye dinner, they took me to Korean BBQ, since it's my favorite. Afterward, we went to noreabang and sang to our hearts content. It was a great evening spent with my favorite co-workers.  I even received a few gifts, including shoes for my future baby! In the two years I worked at the library, I made so many good memories, too many to name. I'm so thankful for having the opportunity to work at the Busan English Library and it will always be a cherished time in my life!

Minsu's Birthday Celebration

Earlier this month, we celebrated Minsu's birthday. Minsu is one of the librarians at the library and a good friend. Sometimes when I'm at work and having a rough day, I walk over to Minsu's desk and we chat for a bit. Afterwards, I always feel better. Even though he doesn't speak much English and I don't speak much Korean, we're still able to have a great friendship.

Not too long ago, I sprained my ankle and needed to see a doctor. Minsu left work and took me to the hospital. If it weren't for him, it would've been really difficult. He helped me hobble around town and translated every conversation. I'm very thankful to have him as my friend.

We met Minsu, Junnie, Jun-young and Kelly for dinner at a pizza restaurant owned by Minsu's friend. In Korea, there are an abundant amount of "pizza" restaurants. I say "pizza" because most of the time, they call anything with lots of cheese pizza. At this place, I wouldn't call it a pizza, but more of an open faced quesadilla. Although, it was quite tasty and I enjoyed it.

When we finished eating and Minsu opened his present, a lovely scarf that I almost kept for Markus, we headed to 21, a nearby bar. We hung out there for a bit. We drank a few cocktails, played darts and said goodbye to Kelly. Unfortunately, she had to work the next day. It was nice having Kelly there. Usually, I'm the only girl and even though she couldn't stay the whole night, at least I wasn't alone the entire night.

Somehow, we ended up at a noreabang or karaoke room. I shouldn't be surprised, nights out always end up at a noreabang. They served us way too much food and we sang too many songs off key. It was a long night, but it was a amazing. We celebrated the birth of a dear friend, ate great food, sang too many songs and made wonderful new memories.